All pre-orders and backordered products will ship fall 2024
Maple School: Why Does Sap Run? Science!

Maple School: Why Does Sap Run? Science!

Maple sap runs in the late winter or early spring time, when the nights are freezing and the days are warm. But what exactly causes the sap to run out of the tree and into our buckets? As many sugar makers know, the time for collecting sap from a maple tree is in late...
DIY Maple Syrup: All About Sugar Wood

DIY Maple Syrup: All About Sugar Wood

It’s a perfect fall day in New England. Time for us to put in fuel for next spring’s DIY maple syrup  making operation! If we were good little Vermonters, we would have done this while the snow melted. Clearly, we’re still assimilating. Sugarwood...
Homemade Maple Syrup Peaches

Homemade Maple Syrup Peaches

Peaches canned in homemade maple syrup: a north-south, east-west delicacy. Our peach tree nearly toppled over with the weight of its fruit a few years ago. Which was a big surprise, as I recall our disbelief at the point of its purchase that one could even grow...
Maple on the Hiking Trail

Maple on the Hiking Trail

We went hiking this summer on the Appalachian Trail, and we brought our homemade maple syrup with us! Both maple syrup and maple candy made the trip with us to see which faired better on the long journey. We used it both to sweeten our oats in the morning, as a sweet...
Isn’t all Maple Syrup Organic?

Isn’t all Maple Syrup Organic?

Pesticides and herbicides are not commonly used in maple syrup production. Does that mean that all maple syrup is organic? Time is tight. The kids are hollering for pancakes. And you keep forgetting to visit your local sugarhouse. Are you with me? You are at the...
Planting Maples for Posterity

Planting Maples for Posterity

Here in sugar country, it is not uncommon to find oneself travelling down a country lane in the dappled shadows cast by parallel rows of giant sugar maples. How did that happen? Might it happen again? Sugars with a view: sugar maples planted long ago on Sparrow Farm...
Beyond Maple Sugaring: A Year in Homemade Syrups

Beyond Maple Sugaring: A Year in Homemade Syrups

The flower of the elderberry, which blooms in midsummer, can be used to make syrup too. While there are cultivars, wild elderberry like this one grows in most of Continental U.S. and Southern and Coastal Canada. Making elderflower syrup is a tradition that hails from...
How To Make Maple Cream

How To Make Maple Cream

Making maple syrup was the hard part. Here’s how to turn your homemade maple syrup into maple cream!   Search the internet for how to make maple cream, candy and sugar and you will get plenty of hits. But many of these recipes call for starting with a light grade of...
How To Make Maple Sugar

How To Make Maple Sugar

Making maple syrup was the hard part. Here’s how to turn your homemade maple syrup into maple sugar!   Search the internet for how to make maple cream, candy and sugar and you will get plenty of hits. But many of these recipes call for starting with a light grade of...
How To Make Maple Candy

How To Make Maple Candy

  Making maple syrup was the hard part. Here’s how to turn your homemade maple syrup into maple candy!   Search the internet for how to make maple cream, candy and sugar and you will get plenty of hits. But many of these recipes call for starting with a light...
Filtering Homemade Maple Syrup

Filtering Homemade Maple Syrup

You’ve decided to make your own maple syrup this year. You’re either researching if you should filter your final product, or you are boiling as we speak! Either way, you’re figuring out if you should filter your finished syrup. Here is the lowdown on...
How to Make Maple Syrup

How to Make Maple Syrup

You’re ready to make maple syrup! You’ve tapped your maple trees, collected and stored maple sap. The weekend approaches. It’s time to boil some maple syrup! Here’s how!   Making Maple Syrup is Simple   Making maple syrup is a simple process that involves...
How to Store Maple Sap

How to Store Maple Sap

The sap is running and your buckets are filling up! You’ve collected your sap and are ready to store your sap in preparation for your first boil. Read below for some tips and tricks on storing your maple sap for the DIY maple syrup maker! The weather is just...
How to Run Lines for Maple Syrup

How to Run Lines for Maple Syrup

At the Vermont Evaporator Company, we aim to bring the tech of big maple to the maple hobbyist! We’ve designed an open-air evaporator that gives you efficiency with a baffled pan (The Sapling). We invented the world’s smallest RO system for maple syrup...
How to Collect Maple Sap

How to Collect Maple Sap

You’ve decided to make maple syrup this season. You’ve tapped your trees, and the sap is running, and your buckets are filling up! Time for maple sap collection and storing your sap in preparation for your first boil. Tips and tricks on collecting and...
Repackaging Maple for Gifts

Repackaging Maple for Gifts

Repackaging your homemade maple for gifts is an easy process. You can repackage your maple syrup in smaller bottles or gift bottles. Or you can transform your maple syrup into maple cream, candy, or sugar for a unique homemade gift! We’ll talk you through the...
Making Maple Syrup On A Budget

Making Maple Syrup On A Budget

Thinking of making your own maple syrup this season? Overwhelmed with decisions about what to buy, and how much everything costs? Below, we go over how to make maple syrup on a budget. What you need, how you can get started affordably, and where spending a bit more...
Maple and Backyard News

Maple and Backyard News

Maple News It’s time to decide. Is maple sugaring the next new skill you’ll master during the pandemic? Maybe these mouth-watering maple recipes will push you over the edge! To start the day off right, Overnight French Toast with Orange Infused Syrup,...
Maple and Backyard News

Maple and Backyard News

Maple News It’s getting to be that time of year! And maple-flavored news does not disappoint. Another university starts a maple syrup program, and West Virginia Maple Days are set. If you own property in southern New Jersey, you may have an opportunity to help...
Maple and Backyard News

Maple and Backyard News

Maple News And time marches on. Here we are in the wee days of 2020 with maple still making the news: maple syrup recently appeared in the blockbuster video game Fortnight, as well as with its co-conspirator silly string in this police blotter. And, in Canada, where...
Maple and Backyard News

Maple and Backyard News

Maple News It’s holiday season! And, by that, we mean Happy National Maple Syrup Day, of course! As for all those other holidays, they sure seem to have one thing in common: epic maple recipes. Welcome, Yule! In addition to Vermont Centric Winter Cocktails,...
Maple and Backyard News

Maple and Backyard News

Maple News The holidays are abundant with opportunities to cook and bake with (and eat) maple! Here are our picks from the last few weeks: Maple, Browned Butter Apple Pie, Saturday Morning Challah French Toast, Tuscan Holiday Bread Pudding, Brown Sugar Maple Cookies,...
Maple and Backyard News

Maple and Backyard News

Maple News Here in Vermont, we use maple for everything, including emergency medicine, and, in the immortal words of SNL, here “you can put your weed” in maple too! Those are two topics that definitely won’t be discussed at the Vermont Maple Sugar...
Maple and Backyard News

Maple and Backyard News

Maple News This stick season, take a free online beginning maple sugaring class, pick up some maple cocktail syrups and bitters by Vermont’s own Runamok Maple, or try and parse Rob Gronkowski’s latest maple syrup sports analogy. What? And then...
Maple and Backyard News

Maple and Backyard News

Maple News A pile of leaves and a pile of news. New in the industry: “small-batch maple” is now officially a thing, a Quebec company gets global recognition for using maple technology to clean water, and a maple beer emerges with the best name ever: Sugar...
Maple and Backyard News

Maple and Backyard News

Maple News Time to open up another can of maple news! The maple industry continues to innovate and delight with travel-sized, TSA approved Maple to Go hitting the US market and Foray’s Cannabis-Infused Hard Maple Caramels arriving in Canada. Ohio, Virginia and...
Maple and Backyard News

Maple and Backyard News

Maple News A fresh stack of maple news is hot off the griddle! Vermont’s Maple 100 event is now underway with sweet things to do here, there and everywhere; from hikes to baking to a rousing game of maple bingo, for the true fan of maple, it’s not to be...
Maple and Backyard News

Maple and Backyard News

Maple News Maple events are back! Usually held in the spring, and cancelled along with all-that-was-normal in early 2020, maple associations across the United States have rallied to put on fall events this year. Events like Vermont’s “The Maple 100,”...
Maple and Backyard News

Maple and Backyard News

Maple News Pandemic or no pandemic, the maple industry is doing great. In fact, a new study calls for big maple to experience “stunning growth” in the coming years. In other industry news: you can now purchase maple syrup that glitters. An embarrassment of...
Maple and Backyard News

Maple and Backyard News

Maple News It’s as hot and sticky as a batch of maple syrup out there! Tired of binging on Netflix to beat the heat? Binge the Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA) Summer Conference, now available online, instead, including our 90 minute tree-to-table,...
Maple and Backyard News

Maple and Backyard News

Maple News It’s that time of the summer. It’s that time of the pandemic. It’s. All. About. Food. We don’t even feel the need to string these together with connective word-ingredients. Let it be like food poetry. Say these aloud with us, now:...
Maple and Backyard News

Maple and Backyard News

Maple News All roads lead to the pandemic, it seems. Even in maple, the news is just thick with it. Some of the news is bad: a Vermont maple producer, for example, has been forced to sell his operation because of the extended, COVID-related Canadian border closure....
Maple and Backyard News

Maple and Backyard News

Maple News Did you know that there are more than 100 maple species around the world, including a prairie-hearty variety, and a “bully”? Or that some folks have finally been able to eradicate the villainous Asian longhorned beetle? Neither did we! News from...
Maple and Backyard News

Maple and Backyard News

Maple News Vermont set maple production records in 2020, maintaining its status as the nation’s largest maple producer, while New Hampshire reported an average harvest. You may now find maple on the ingredient list of your pecan butter or beer, or mixed with...
Maple and Backyard News

Maple and Backyard News

Maple News The news over the last few weeks has been 99% bad. Take a break from it by catching up with what happened in the world of maple. While New York maple mourned the passing of a maple icon at the age of 105, Quebec set maple production records despite...
The Maple King: How Maple Got Big

The Maple King: How Maple Got Big

Oil had Rockefeller, steel had Carnegie, and F. Scott FitzGerald brought us the Great Gatsby. But Maple had a King! Have you ever wondered how maple got big? How it went from a subsistence crop to a farmer’s sideline, to a product that could mount a flavor challenge...
Happy Christmas to All!

Happy Christmas to All!

‘Twas the Friday before Christmas and all through the shop, machinery was whirring, with a chug, clang, and pop! The product was nestled and shelved with great care, in the knowledge that new owners soon would be there. And this mamma-CEO, whose energy was sapped, had...
Sugar From Trees: An American Heritage

Sugar From Trees: An American Heritage

The first chapter in the history of maple syrup is a uniquely Native North American one. ​First there were historic midterm elections, and then I turned 40. (Nope! Not unrelated! My mother and father voted on the way to the delivery room.) Then there was the one...
DIY Maple Syrup: All About Sugar Wood

DIY Maple Syrup: All About Sugar Wood

Not to be confused with “sugar woods,” a.k.a. the “sugar bush,” or “sugar stand,” “sugar wood” refers to the fuel you need to power your wood-fired evaporator. It’s 90 degrees in New England, so, naturally, it’s time for us to put in supplies for next Spring’s...
Climate Change and Maple Sugaring

Climate Change and Maple Sugaring

OK. Enough bucolic wandering through the forest to identify the best trees for sugaring. Enough feel-good homemade maple syrup peaches. It’s Monday morning. Grab a cup of coffee. Let’s talk about climate change like we said we would. No, it’s OK! This is NOT going to...
One, Two, Three… That’s a Tappable Tree!

One, Two, Three… That’s a Tappable Tree!

Now that the leaves are in for the summer, it’s a good time to think about which trees you’d like to tap for next spring. While we usually associate sugar making with the sugar maple exclusively, there are many trees that produce sap that can be boiled down to syrup,...