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Maple and Backyard News

Oct 23, 2020 | Maple and Backyard News

Maple News

A pile of leaves and a pile of news. New in the industry: “small-batch maple” is now officially a thing, a Quebec company gets global recognition for using maple technology to clean water, and a maple beer emerges with the best name ever: Sugar Sugar House House Maple IPA.

On the True Crimes of Maple Blotter: another car bites the dust with syrup in its gas tank, and an author releases Murder in the Maple Woods, a mystery novel set in the sugar woods of northern Maine.

Otherwise, there is food. And at this time of the year, mostly food pairing maple with apple (walnut and date stuffed baked apples, a baked apple pancake, apple pie french toast, and “The Baptiste” apple cider cocktail) with a little room for root veggies too (maple carrot medley and maple baked sweet potatoes).

Backyard News

The backyard is becoming a bit chilly, but there is still time to engage in backyard tailgating, attend the odd backyard art show, or get interested in this seasonal backyard creature: bats. This couple will teach you how to prepare your backyard for the zombie apocalypse, and here’s how to care for your backyard trees. Need assistance naming your backyard? Help is on the way. In places where it’s legal to grow, there’s backyard cannabis theft (and here). And here’s what’s going on in the backyard of an ordinary young man with a heart of gold.

Life is tough right now. May these missives always be as pleasant a distraction for you to read as they are for us to write! Be well. Take care of one another. And vote!
