From Our Blog
10 Reasons Vermont Evaporator Pans Are Better Than Amazon’s
Feb 6, 2025| Our Company, Products and Customers
Here at Vermont Evaporator Company, we pride ourselves on selling pans that are made to last, are good quality, and...
Will Tap Holes Close Up if You Tap Maples Too Early?
Feb 4, 2025| DIY Maple Syrup
Knowing when to tap is one of the biggest challenges for a maple syrup producer. There is no clear answer to the...
Maple Events Near You
Feb 2, 2025| About Maple Syrup, Maple and Backyard News
Greetings fellow maple lovers! We've been eager to create a blog post listing maple events for a while now. With the...
How to Assemble Your DIY Maple Syrup Evaporator – The Sapling
Jan 28, 2025| DIY Maple Syrup
How to set up your DIY Maple Syrup Evaporator, The Sapling. The Sapling Evaporator is a great way to get started...
Your Questions about the Sapling Evaporator – Answered!
Jan 26, 2025| Our Company, Products and Customers
Like shiny things? The Sapling Evaporator is a classic, flat black with stainless evaporator pan and accents....
The Health Benefits of Maple Syrup
Jan 22, 2025| About Maple Syrup, Cooking with Maple
Ever hear that Maple Syrup is good for you? Wonder if it’s true? We did too! So we did the research and here is what...
Ten Reasons to Make Your Own Maple Syrup
Jan 19, 2025| Our Company, Products and Customers
Here are ten reasons why sugaring is one of our favorite hobbies! 1. Making maple syrup really makes our March....
How to Tap Maples to Drink the Sap
Jan 17, 2025| Cooking with Maple, DIY Maple Syrup
Although, traditionally, sap is boiled down to make maple syrup, you can also enjoy the magic of maple without making...
How To Tap A Maple Tree
Jan 12, 2025| DIY Maple Syrup
You’ve decided to make maple syrup this year and you’ve determined that it’s time to tap your trees. Great! Here’s...
DIY Maple Syrup: When to Tap
Jan 8, 2025| DIY Maple Syrup
How not to miss your maple-syrup-making window! You’re going to make maple syrup this year, and don’t want to miss...
The Health Benefits of Being in the Woods
Jan 6, 2025| Beyond Maple
Why we hobby maple syrup makers are so happy and fit! Ok, that may be overstating it a bit. Hobby maple syrup makers,...
How to Run Lines for Maple Syrup
Jan 2, 2025| DIY Maple Syrup
At the Vermont Evaporator Company, we aim to bring the tech of big maple to the maple hobbyist! We've designed an...
Resolution: Maple
Dec 28, 2024| DIY Maple Syrup
It's almost 2025 and you're looking for a healthy, natural, outdoor hobby to get you through to spring. Aren't we...
What to Give with that Homemade Maple Syrup
Dec 17, 2024| Beyond Maple, Cooking with Maple
Last-Minute Finds that Pair Well with a Bottle of the Good Stuff We can’t tell you how many DIY maple syrup makers we...
Repackaging Maple for Gifts
Dec 14, 2024| DIY Maple Syrup
Repackaging your homemade maple for gifts is an easy process. You can repackage your maple syrup in smaller bottles or...
DIY Maple Gifting
Dec 10, 2024| DIY Maple Syrup, Our Company, Products and Customers
Many of us DIY types make maple syrup in the spring to give away throughout the year. We've recently discovered the...
Making Maple Syrup On A Budget
Dec 6, 2024| DIY Maple Syrup
Thinking of making your own maple syrup this season? Overwhelmed with decisions about what to buy, and how much...
Growing up Sugaring
Nov 26, 2024| About Maple Syrup, DIY Maple Syrup, Our Company, Products and Customers
Hello everyone! It’s Elka McCabe, daughter of Kate McCabe, owner and operator of Vermont Evaporator Company! I have...
Maple Holiday Gift Giving: Shopping for your Backyard Sugar Maker
Nov 22, 2024| DIY Maple Syrup, Our Company, Products and Customers
The hubbub of Thanksgiving has passed and you are looking forward to the gift-giving part of the holiday season! (Or,...
Our Indigenous Peoples First Cultivated More than Just Maple
Nov 7, 2024| About Maple Syrup, Beyond Maple
Sugar country, under snow, getting ready to give thanks for the abundance of food first developed in the Americas. Our...