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Sugaring for Beginners

Interested in sugaring for beginners? Start here.

Maple trees circulate water from their roots into their branches which mixes with sugar produced in the tree’s leaves during the process of photosynthesis. This circulation creates what we refer to as sap.

During early spring, warm days and cool nights change the maple tree’s internal pressure and sap escapes through natural leaks or man-made taps. Sap is collected from the tree and boiled to evaporate the water. What’s left behind is homemade maple syrup.

trees and tap buckets

Tap Maple Trees

  • All maple trees can be tapped for sap.
  • Tapping a maple tree requires limited tools.
  • A tapped maple has the potential to produce between 10-20 gallons of sap.
  • You need about 40-60 gallons of sap to make 1 gallon of maple syrup.

Collect Sap

  • Covered buckets, water jugs or any other clean, food grade container can be used to collect the sap.
  • Gather sap daily, keep in a cool place, and start boiling when you can.
  • Treat sap like the organic matter that it is – it will spoil if left at warm temperatures for too long.
person tapping tree
sapling in action

Boil and Evaporate

  • Filter sap with cheesecloth or the equivalent before pouring into the stainless-steel Sapling Evaporator Pan.
  • Fill the Sapling Evaporator Pan to about a 2-inch depth.
  • Start your fire, relax, and watch the water evaporate from the sap.
  • Feed the fire often. Gradually add more sap. And breath deeply the sweet smell.
  • Spend time with others, let them lighten the workload, and share your maple syrup in the end!