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Maple and Backyard News

Dec 30, 2020 | Maple and Backyard News

Maple News

And time marches on. Here we are in the wee days of 2020 with maple still making the news: maple syrup recently appeared in the blockbuster video game Fortnight, as well as with its co-conspirator silly string in this police blotter. And, in Canada, where 2020 saw 20% more cats named “David” than in years prior, “Maple Syrup” is also trending as a pet name.

In industry, big maple is a bit worried about Quebec lumber policy changes, and these Vermont sugarhouses get a big shout out from a travel mag.

The webs haven’t quite started with the annual onslaught of healthy-this and diet-that, but there does seem to be a downward trend in caloric density nevertheless. This leaves us with Buffalo Maple Turkey Nachos, Cranberry Turkey Meatballs with Apples and Sage, and, a dish that never gets old: Maple Baked Salmon. For breakfast, Blueberry Ricotta Pancakes, Porridge with Cream, Bourbon, Maple Syrup and Stewed Apples, and Cranberry and Candied Ginger Granola. Not bad at all!

Backyard News

Watch out! This New Year’s Eve is going to be a big night for backyard fireworks. Safety first, people. Also trending: backyard saunas, backyard weddings (still) and backyard ice rinks. All sound a little spendy? Coors light is giving away $10,000 to transform a lucky winner’s backyard this winter. Problem is, you might have to drink that beer. Oops! That was our outside voice!

Naturalists urge you to let your Christmas tree moulder in the backyard this winter for critter habitat. And here’s what you may be able to see in the sky over your backyard in 2021!

We wish you a happy, healthy and safe New Year’s celebration, and health, wealth and wisdom in 2021. Happy New Year!
