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Our COVID Promise

Jun 2, 2020 | Our Company, Products and Customers

File under “Boring but Important” if you must, but here’s what we’re doing to keep ourselves – and you – safe!

As businesses reopen around our state and yours, know that our level of commitment to doing things the safe, right and responsible way has never wavered. Here’s what we are doing to keep ourselves and our customers safe in the time of COVID.

1. We’ve Taken the Montpelier Way Pledge for Businesses

We pledge to keep our employees and customers safe as we work to serve our community. We pledge that:
-Employees will not come to work if they are feeling unwell. Employees will ensure that they have no symptoms of respiratory illness or fever before reporting to work each day.
-This is a family business. However, employees will wear masks for the duration of their shift unless working exclusively with members of their own COVID household(s).
-Employees will wash their hands frequently.
-Employees will maintain 6-foot physical distancing between themselves and others who enter the facility and who are not a member of their own COVID household(s).
-Employees have all taken the required VOSHA training on COVID safety and their certificate of completion is on file.
-Hand-sanitizer will be available at the facility in plain view of the front doors at all times.
-The following requirements for visitors to the facility will be posted and enforced: Face coverings are required for all who enter the facility. No person experiencing symptoms of respiratory illness may enter the facility.
-We will disinfect frequently touched surfaces in our facility before and after each day’s use. We will disinfect frequently touched surfaces used in common with other facilities (e.g., shared bathroom) before and after each use.
-We will provide a no-touch or low-touch customer experience wherever possible. Until non-essential interstate travel is safe, curbside pickup will be available for Vermont customers only.

2. We’re Distributing Masks in Our Community

In late March, we launched a Go Fund Me Fundraiser to help offset the revenue losses we’ve experienced due to COVID-19. We pledged to manufacture and donate a durable, non-medical, cotton mask to someone in  need on our community for each donation of any size.

With the help of our friends, families, customers, business partners, and others, we have raised over $6,000 in amounts as small as $5 and as large as $1,000, and distributed more than 50 cotton masks to folks in our community.
Would you like to go above and beyond with us? Check out our campaign and make a donation of any size today!
Stay safe and well out there!
– Kate & Nikki
